Assalamu'alaikum wr wb Walaupun berita &
artikel ini sudah cukup lama, namun apa salahnya saya postingkan di Swaramuslim
sekedar mengingatkan kita semua akan bahaya "menonton Teletubbies" terutama bagi
anak anak dikalangan umat Islam.
Walaupun kelihatan sepintas lucu, namun
dibalik film tersebut tersembunyi pesan pesan Kampanye Homoseks, sehingga telah
menimbulkan reaksi diberbagai dunia. Sebagian besar negara Eropah, negara Islam,
Malaysia dan bahkan Singapore telah melakukan banned atas penayangan film, cuma
justru lucunya tidak ada satupun organisasi Islam di Indonesia / MUI melakukan
hal itu. Apakah karena terlalu sibuk??
Namun sampai saat ini walaupun
penayangan di TV sudah tidak adalagi (karena sudah habus serialnya) namun
kelihatannya "Teletubbies" sudah menjadi Trade Mark terbukti dengan penggunaan
maskot & attributnya dalam berbagai produk anak anak (baju, kue Ul-Tah, Kaos
dll) masih sering kita jumpai. Mohon sebarkan artikel ini kepada saudara saudara
kita, aqidah islam tidak ada yang basi, semoga info ini
bermanfaat Wassalam
Kampanye Homoseks Teletubbies
Seorang Pendeta terkemuka di Amerika menguraikan misi homoseks di balik
tayangan lucu Teletubbies. Kontroversi meluas. Singapura melarang penayangannya.
"Suka nonton Teletubbies?" Bila pertanyaan itu dilontarkan
kepada anak-anak, niscaya akan dijawab 'ya'. "Bagus sih. Lain sama Pokemon atau
Shinchan yang jorok," kata Eki, murid kelas IV sebuah SD di Rawamangun, Jakarta.
Saat ini, tontonan yang diputar hampir saban hari di Indosiar itu memang
sedang digandrungi anak-anak. Television in the tummy of the babies (disingkat
Teletubbies, televisi di perut para bocah) adalah film yang menampilkan empat
tokoh boneka gendut (tubby) dan lucu bernama Tinky-Winky (berwarna ungu), Dipsy
(hijau), Laa-Laa (kuning), dan Po (merah). Di kepala empat sekawan itu ada
antena, yang menandakan bahwa televisi memang sudah menjadi bagian tak
terpisahkan bagi anak-anak. Rumahnya berupa lapangan golf yang hijau dan sejuk,
disebut Teletubbyland. Di situ ada kincir angin, televisi, kelinci, pancuran
air, yang selalu disinari matahari berwajah bayi imut-imut.
Film rekaan
Anne Woods dan Andrew Davenport yang pertama kali muncul di Inggris tahun 1995
itu tak sekadar nongol di televisi. Pernik-perniknya juga membanjir di toko
mainan, toko buku, mal, pasar, sampai perempatan lampu merah. Bentuknya bisa
komik, kartu, boneka, VCD, gantungan kunci, stiker, sikat gigi, tempat nasi,
handuk, pigura, dan berbagai asesoris peralatan sekolah. Bahkan kini telah
terbit majalah Teletubbies. Pendeknya, sang idola itu bisa menyapa anak-anak di
mana saja, kapan saja. Tak mengherankan bila anak-anak begitu akrab.
Cuma, ada satu hal yang agaknya sulit dikenali anak-anak pada umumnya,
yakni jenis kelaminnya. Sebab, kostumnya sama, aktivitasnya pun tak berbeda.
Robbi Mighfari dan Balivia Andi Permata, murid-murid sebuah TK di Surabaya,
mempunyai jawaban berbeda ketika ditanya mana dari anggota Teletubbies yang
perempuan. Robbi menjawab Po. "Sebab Po kan warnanya merah," alasannya. Tapi
menurut Balivia justru Tinky-Winki-lah, si ungu, yang perempuan.
Eki, yang paling membingungkan adalah sosok Tinky-Winky, anggota Teletubbies
yang paling besar. "Dia itu laki-laki, tapi kadang tingkahnya kayak cewek. Suka
mbawa tas dan bunga. Kayak orang banci,' ujarnya. Di Barat identitas
Teletubbies memang sempat menjadi perdebatan heboh. Bermula dari pendapat
Pendeta Jerry Falwell dalam sebuah tulisan di National Liberty Journal (Februari
1999) yang menilai Teletubbies membawa misi homoseksualitas lewat tokoh
Tinky-Winky. Alasannya? "Tinky-Winky berwarna ungu warna kebanggaan kaum gay dan
mempunyai antena segitiga terbalik di kepalanya simbol kebanggaan gay," kata
Majalah Time edisi 12 Oktober 1998 juga menyatakan hal yang
sama. Di situ dilaporkan bahwa Tinky Winky yang membawa tas/dompet merah
merupakan ikon kaum gay di Inggris. Identitas tokoh-tokoh Teletubbies memang
tidak jelas. Perbedaan gender hanya digambarkan secara samar dengan suara dan
pilihan warna: ungu dan hijau muda untuk laki-laki, merah dan kuning untuk
perempuan. Dan di mata Falwell, ini dianggap sebagai pembenaran terhadap
aktivitas homoseksual dan biseksual.
Kalangan rohaniwan Kristen menilai,
indoktrinasi dini terhadap anak batita (di bawah tiga tahun) lewat Teletubbies
akan menyebabkan anak tak bisa membedakan mana laki-laki mana perempuan. Lebih
berbahaya lagi kalau anak sudah dicekoki nilai: boleh saja laki-laki
sekali-sekali menjadi perempuan, dan sebaliknya. "Diluncurkannya Teletubbies
adalah khusus untuk berkomunikasi dengan balita guna memasukkan nilai
homoseksualitas. Dengan cerita berbahasa bayi, digambarkan bahwa perilaku homo
dan biseks adalah wajar," masih kata Falwell.
Menurut psikolog
pendidikan Elzim Khosyiyati, ketidakjelasan identitas ini berbahaya bagi
perkembangan psikis anak-anak. "Itu sama dengan mengaburkan esensi dari nilai
pendidikan anak yang harus jelas dan tegas," ujar Elzim yang juga aktivis
Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Dwi Matra, Surabaya.
Hal senada ditulis Berit
Kjos di situs Edutainment. Menurutnya, secara tidak disadari, anak-anak dibentuk
Teletubbies untuk bisa menerima kelainan-kelainan perilaku seksual seperti
biseksual, homoseksual, dan lesbian sebagai sesuatu yang wajar. Juga, anak-anak
dibentuk untuk menjadikan televisi sebagai dunia mereka. Pendapat Kjos ini sama
dengan pandangan umum kaum ibu di Inggris yang menilai Teletubbies
mensosialisasikan televisi kepada anak-anak dalam usia terlalu dini.
Tuduhan bahwa Teletubbies membawa misi gay segera ditentang keras oleh
Ragdoll Productions dan koleganya, produser film ini. Juru bicara untuk Itsy
Bitsy Entertainment Co., pemegang lisensi Teletubbies di AS, berdalih bahwa
dompet Tinky Winky adalah tas ajaib. "Sebenarnya yang dibawa tak menunjukkan dia
gay. Ini adalah pertunjukan anak-anak, cerita," kata Steve Rice seperti dikutip
Associated Press (1999).
Yang paling keras menentang Falwell tentu saja
kalangan gay. Dalam sebuah wawancara diCBS, Joan Garry yang mewakili Aliansi Gay
dan Lesbian, dengan nada cemooh menganggap Falwell sebagai penuduh yang pandir.
Sedangkan Michael Colton di harian New York Observer menganggap tuduhan itu
sebagai hal yang terlampau aneh dan mengerikan. Stan Yann dalam The Voice malah
balik menuduh Falwell sebagai pendeta gemuk seperti Teletubby (tubby= gemuk)
yang bodoh.
Namun pendapat Falwell tidak salah bila kita cermat melihat
adegan film Teletubbies. Tingkah laku si Ungu memang seperti seorang gay. Dia
suka bunga, membawa dompet warna merah, gerak tariannya dan nada nyanyiannya.
Sebuah kebiasaan orang perempuan. Padahal keterangan resmi yang dikeluarkan
sebuah produsen acara teve anak-anak PBS kids, jenis kelamin Tinky Winky adalah
male (laki-laki).
Tinky Winky juga tak segan-segan berebut rok dengan
Po. Saat rebutan itu terjadi, 'dewa'-nya Teletubbies matahari bermuka bayi lucu
lalu mengatur agar yang berebut rok itu memakainya secara bergantian. Dewa bayi
itu seolah menjadi 'tuhan' yang menganjurkan perilaku seks menyimpang.
Kalangan orang tua juga mesti waspada dengan adegan 'berpelukan' yang
selalu dilakukan empat sekawan itu di akhir acara. Menurut Elzim, pelukan di
antara anggota keluarga wajar, dan baik baik. Namun efek adegan berpelukan
Teletubbies sangat didasari kebudayaan Barat. Ibu dua anak ini sekarang kerap
menjumpai kecenderungan anak-anak di sekolah yang gandrung Teletubbies sering
melakukan pelukan kepada kawan perempuan maupun lelaki, baik berlawanan jenis
maupun tidak. "Di satu sisi memang bisa mengakrabkan, tapi di sisi lain bila
perilaku ini terus-menerus dilakukan bisa fatal akibatnya. Anak-anak akan
terbiasa melakukan pelukan dan ciuman dengan siapa saja tanpa pandang bulu."
Dampak lebih jauh, bila yang gandrung adalah anak laki-laki, akan
berbahaya. "Anak laki-laki yang suka boneka Teletubbies akan terpengaruh seperti
jiwa anak perempuan, bahkan bisa saja kemudian hari memperlakukan dirinya
seperti perempuan atau waria," jelas Elzim.
Tidak hanya ajaran gay. Cara
bicara tokoh Teletubbies yang cedal pun banyak diprotes kalangan ibu-ibu di
Inggris. Misalnya pelafalan kata 'Halo' menjadi 'Ee-o'. Menurut Elzim
Khosyiyati, bahasa cadel semacam itu tidak baik bagi proses pembelajaran
kemampuan verbal anak. "Kita seharusnya mengajarkan pesan verbal secara tegas
dan jelas kepada anak," ujarnya.
Meski penuh kontroversi, Teletubbies
terus melaju tinggi. Ia telah mendatangkan keuntungan 80-an juta poundsterling
bagi Ragdoll Productions dan BBC Worldwide, produsernya. Kini 45 negara di dunia
menyiarkan serial anak-anak yang ternyata mengusung misi kaum Nabi Luth ini, dan
menjadi terpopuler di dunia.
Bagi negeri yang peduli terhadap anak-anak,
Teletubbies dilarang. Di Singapura, serial Tinky-Winky dan kawan-kawan ini tidak
ditayangkan karena dianggap berpengaruh buruk terhadap perkembangan jiwa anak.
Bagaimana di Indonesia yang mayoritas beragama Islam? (akbar, pambudi)
Teletubbies Digugat, Menyebarkan Tradisi Gay?
Lucu amat mereka yaaa, imut-imut gemas dan empuk. Itu yang kita bayangkan
ketika melihat 4 sosok selebritis baru kesukaan anak batita. Setiap ke pasar,
pasti anak merengek minta dibelikan boneka salah satu dari 4 tokoh tsb. Entah
yang Ungu (Tinky Winky, paling besar), Hijau muda (Dipsy), Kuning (La Laa)
maupun Merah (Po, paling kecil). Saya hafal karakter-karakter mereka sampai
kepada model antena di kepala masing-masing adalah karena diprotes anak-anak.
Tinky Winky antenanya adalah segitiga terbalik, Dipsy lurus seperti tongkat
mencuat ke atas, La Laa melingkar seperti pegas dan Po antenanya seperti bulatan
cincin. Beberapa produsen boneka 'aspal' (asli palsu) meniru dengan tidak tepat,
sehingga ketika saya membelikan anak saya, saya diprotes: " Nggak cocok Ummi….,
antena Po bukan seperti tongkat, tapi Dipsy yang begitu." Apalah artinya
Kemudian berlanjut dengan membeli VCD nya. Lucu-lucu blo'on, khas
anak baru belajar bicara. Dengan satu catatan: suara yang dipakai adalah suara
dewasa yang berlogat celat, sehingga kesan saya: koq seperti orang cacat mental?
Tetapi sekali lagi: Apalah artinya mainan. Apalagi memang sarat fantasi ruang
angkasa dengan gambaran rumah yang seperti pesawat ruang angkasa dan segala
pernak pernik khayalan termasuk matahari dengan wajah bayi di
Jalan ceritanya pun amat-amat sederhana: mengenalkan
berbagi mainan, mengenalkan bermain bersama, mengenalkan bahwa setiap orang
punya barang kesukaan (my favorite things)…. Begitu sederhana sampai bungsu saya
yang belum dua tahun sudah bisa menirukan kata-kata mereka yang khas : "A-oo"
sambil menutup mulut. Itu adalah ritual Teletubbies jika ada sesuatu yang salah
atau sesuatu yang kurang.Tanpa sadar gaya mereka memang mudah sekali melekat
pada batita dan tidak mustahil akan selamanya. Sekali lagi: Apalah arti
Tapi ternyata artinya lebih dari sekedar mainan. Beberapa waktu
yang lalu beredar di internet polemik tentang Teletubbies.
Ada seorang
pastor menggugat sosok Tinky Winky yang seperti banci: suara berat tapi suka
sekali pada dompet. Menurut salah seorang pengamat media anak, penggambaran
sosok laki-laki (suara yang berat) dengan memakai dompet merah seperti itu, khas
dompet kaum ibu di Inggris raya, bahkan seperti tas tangan Ratu Elizabeth pada
acara-acara sosial, sangat feminin. Pada awalnya pastor tsb-pun digugat balik
oleh para pendukung Teletubbies dengan berdalih bahwa dompet Tinky Winky adalah
"magic bag" alias dompet ajaib, jadi buat apasih diributkan? Itu kata mereka
(it's nothing important), sekali lagi: Namanya juga mainan khayal apapun boleh.
Tetapi apakah benar begitu saja?
Ternyata semakin banyak yang terungkap
dalam polemik yang kemudian juga melibatkan berbagai pengamat media anak di
daratan Eropa dan Amerika. Info lain yang masuk semakin mengejutkan: 1)Warna
Tinky Winky adalah warna kesayangan kaum gay 2)Antena Tinky adalah simbol Gay
atau lesbian (jika dibalik) 3)Antena Dipsy adalah simbol (maaf) kelamin
laki-laki. 4)Antena Po simbol perempuan
Bahkan dari jalan cerita salah
satu filmnya, jelas menunjukkan sebuah niat untuk memperkenalkan tingkah laku
para homosex, yaitu Tinky Winky berebut rok dengan La Laa dan diperbolehkan oleh
si Matahari (yang di dalam Teletubbies Land dianggap sebagai simbol pengganti
semua otoritas dunia manusia, yaitu otoritas orangtua, guru dll termasuk
Tuhan!). Jadi ada satu lagi yang diajarkan di sini: re-definisi atas
simbol-simbol otoritas!
Selama ini kaum homosex sedang bergelut untuk
minta pengakuan dunia bahwa homosexual adalah sebuah kecenderungan sejak lahir
(dalam bahasa Islam disebut fitrah, sebagaimana ketertarikan laki-laki terhadap
perempuan). Mereka menggugat agar punya gereja sendiri dan bisa menikah resmi
dengan pasangannya, mereka juga menggugat agar masyarakat menerima mereka
sebagaimana menerima para cacat mental atau orang buta. Innocent!Tanpa
Sejauh ini sudah ada gereja-gereja dan pendeta-pendeta yang cukup
'gila' untuk mengakui mereka kemudian mau menikahkan pasangan gay atau lesbian,
tetapi tetap saja Kepausan di Roma menolak dan mengkucilkan pendeta dan gereja
yang menyimpang. Otoritas agama seperti itu amat di tentang oleh kaum gay dan
dianggap melanggar 'hak asasi mereka'. Kemudian inilah yang kita lihat, sebuah
usaha untuk mulai mengubah tata nilai manusia dengan mendidik batita dengan
bahasa batita.
Agaknya mereka berharap bahwa dengan mengajarkan batita
"kesamaan dan persamaan" bagi mereka dan segala tingkah laku menyimpangnya, maka
20 tahunan lagi mereka akan diakui sebagai sebuah komunitas yang sah,
sebagaimana sekarang orang Amerika menganggap sah adanya komunitas negro atau
hispanik di Amerika Serikat.Globalisasi telah membuat Teletubbies ini bukan
hanya nge-top di negeri asalnya Inggris (pertama kali diluncurkan sebagai
program Unesco di stasiun TV PBS dan kemudian BBC), tapi juga segera merambah ke
seluruh dunia. Keberhasilan mereka terletak pada bahasa komunikasi yang mereka
Para aktornya telah susah payah diajarkan bagaimana bertingkah
laku, berbicara dan bergerak seperti Batita (toddler). Mengingat betapa
sedikitnya film-film yang mendidik yang benar-benar bisa bicara dengan batita,
saya akui teknik mereka dalam berkomunikasi dengan batita amat canggih. Meskipun
kita, sebagai orang dewasa akan merasa ganjil dengan gaya Teletubbies (seperti
kesan yang saya dapatkan yaitu seperti orang cacat mental), tetapi bagi batita
mereka betul-betul mewakili dunianya. Penuh warna, main kejar-kejaran, banyak
bunga dan binatang tak berbahaya, lapangan luas dan matahari yang bersinar
Absennya sosok penting bagi batita ternyata merupakan sebuah
kesengajaan demi melancarkan misi kaum gay. Sosok yang hilang adalah sosok
orangtua. Biasanya, bagi batita sosok 'mama' atau 'papa' amat lekat dengan dunia
mereka. Dalam Teletubbies Land, sosok itu ditiadakan (baik mama maupun papa)
karena sosok-sosok inilah yang mulai menanamkan nilai-nilai tradisi dan ideologi
kepada anak termasuk agama dan nilai sosial masyarakat sejak kecil.
Inilah yang sedang 'dimusuhi' kaum gay, karena biasanya orangtua-lah
yang memperingatkan anaknya jika berada dekat-dekat dengan gay, takut ketularan
Aids maupun takut terbawa perilaku mereka. Nah, dalam Teletubbies Land tak perlu
ada orangtua, anak-anak bisa hidup mandiri dan tetap gembira tanpa mama atau
papa sebagai sosok otoritas. Jika ada sesuatu yang tidak beres, ada sosok lain
yang punya tugas khusus, yaitu Nu-Nu si Vacum Cleaner, sebagai sosok pelayan
yang membereskan apa yang di kacaukan atau dibuat berantakan oleh para
Teletubbies. Jadi tak perlu mama.
Satu-satunya sosok otoritas yang
dibolehkan ada adalah sosok matahari dengan wajah bayi (sebagaimana wajah para
pemirsa). Jadi dalam Teletubbies Land sosok otoritasnya berada dalam posisi yang
sedikit banyak 'sejajar' dengan para Teletubbies maupun penonton: sama-sama
bayi! Dan sang 'matahari bayi' tadi mengajarkan: boleh saja boys (laki-laki,
yaitu Tinky Winky) memakai rok ballet berenda bergantian dengan La Laa dan yang
lain. Jadi 'boys' dan 'girls' boleh bertukar peran, karena dalam Teletubbies
Land jenis kelamin tidak penting dan boleh gantian! That's it !!
adalah sosialisasi awal yang amat-amat halus dan canggih dengan sasaran yang
amat tepat: anak yang sangat kecil yang putih bersih bagai kertas kosong. Bahkan
ada pengamat media lain yang mensinyalir bahwa matahari bayi yang digambarkan
dalam serial ini diambil dari mitos-mitos para penyembah berhala, Yunani, Persia
dan Hindu. Seolah para pencipta Teletubbies ingin menciptakan Dewa baru bagi
manusia, yaitu dewa yang menerima gay sebagai kewajaran dalam
Wah-wah wah, apalagi yang lebih berbahaya? Perilaku kaum Luth,
penghilangan fungsi lembaga keluarga (bapak dan ibu) serta penyembahan
Masih bisa diamati lebih lanjut, yaitu apa saja celotehan dan
tingkah laku para Teletubbies sebenarnya sarat dengan istilah-istilah khas dunia
mesum dan dunia gay. Tentunya para 'pakar kemesuman' lebih bisa menjelaskannya
dari saya. Wallahua'lambishshowwaab (eramuslim)
"I believe television and video are the most
underestimated force for good in educating our children in the technological age
in which we live. It is important to develop children’s thinking skills."1
(Anne Wood, Teletubby creator, BBC) "The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of
thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society -- in
short, new ways of living."2
(Our Creative Diversity, UNESCO) "Young people like magical alternate realities; and
the entertainment industry profits by providing amusement parks, videogames,
movies, and television programs that build on this fascination. Educators too
can profit, in a different way, by building eerily beautiful environments for
sensory immersion that arouse curiosity and empower shared fantasy, leading to
guided inquiry. If we forswear distributed learning based on mystery, intrigue,
and 'edutainment,' we risk losing the generation growing up with
high-performance computing and communications to the mindless mercies of
videogames." ("The
Transformation of Distance Learning to Distributed Learning")
"Time for Teletubbies. Time for
At the sound of the familiar call, toddlers around
the world scamper to their television sets for 30 minutes of simple play,
enchantment, and learning. They smile with the baby-faced sun rising in the sky
and laugh at four chubby Teletubbies popping out of their under-ground home.
When the magic windmill spins its sparkly beams, they share the excitement of a
daily mystery: Which tummy-screen will light up and broadcast a short TV
clip? This simple but captivating Teletubby world is full
of pretty flowers, lively rabbits, warm hugs, bumping tummies, and high tech
marvels – but glaringly devoid of parental love and guidance. Instead, a
mystical periscope (the Voice Trumpet) arises from the ground to emit friendly
directions when needed. A large toaster makes tubby toast, while a tubby-sized
machine spurts tubby custard. A magic vacuum cleaner called Noo-Noo cleans up
the mess. And the Teletubbies are perfectly happy! But who are these captivating, big-eyed creatures
with television screens on their tummies (that's why they are called
Teletubbies) and antennas on their heads? Why do toddlers love them so
much? "They are not human," argued their adult fans and
the mainstream media during last year’s controversy over Tinky-Winky’s
triangular antenna. "It’s absurd to criticize their gender. They’re fantasy
creatures, not boys, girls, homosexuals, or toddlers." That’s not what Anne Wood, their creator at BBC (British
Broadcasting Co.) tells us. "They are babies," she explains. "…
technological babies…. Like children, they also imitate what they hear, so they
will attempt to speak like the Narrator and sometimes like the Voice
Trumpets."3 Others have likened the Teletubbies to aliens, to
fetuses, and to mythical half-human, half-animal creatures – albeit a cuter,
more modern version. But what counts is their message, not their looks. What do
they teach their little fans? What do those four antennas on their heads
symbolize? Why do they wear television screens on their tummies? Why don't
mommies and daddies take care of these baby look-alikes? Why does the sun wear
the face of a baby? And finally, how does the teletubby program fit into the
global agenda for "lifelong learning"?
What do they teach?
"…children are the same the world over," says
scriptwriter Andy
Davenport. "They grow, they learn language, they learn to talk, to think the
same, wherever they grow up."4 If, as BBC (British Broadcasting Company) claims,
small children around the world watch this show, they certainly will learn "to
think the same" – a major goal of UNESCO’s program for "lifelong
learning" [click also on "next
slide"]. This cradle
Teletubby costumes
to grave process of training human resources for
the global village needs and has the support of America's PBS as well as BBC.
Both help children to imitate their idols – four soft, roly-poly creatures
played by real people. These actors have been trained to talk like toddlers, run
like toddlers, eat like toddlers, and swing to music like toddlers. That’s to
help real toddlers love them, follow them, feel at home with them – and, don’t
forget, learn from them. One of the lessons involves self-sufficiency
(separation from parents, but not from peers) within a high-tech world. If
that's hard to believe, hear it from PBS, which has
adapted the show for the American audience: "In 'Teletubbies,' the technological
world becomes engaging, playful and, most of all, manageable by the young child.
The play technology that hums through Teletubbyland also supplies the
Teletubbies' every need - Tubby Toast, Tubby Custard, and the conscientious care
and support of the comic vacuum cleaner, Noo-noo."5
No need for parents or grandparents! This philosophy matches that of Professor John
Goodlad, who served on the governing board of UNESCO’s Institute for Education
before he joined Bill Clinton on the 1987 Study Commission on Global Education.
In his Preface to Schooling for a Global Age, he wrote,
"Enlightened social engineering is required to face
situations that demand global action now. Education is a long-term solution....
The majority of our youth still hold the same values as their parents and, if we
don’t re-socialize, our system will decay."6
The Teletubbies may be fantasy creatures, romping
in a fantasy world. But toddlers pick up cues fairly indiscriminately from both
fantasy worlds and the real world. They don’t know enough about reality to
separate the two. So they are ready and eager to believe and assimilate the cues
they receive. There are plenty of questionable messages. Take a look at some of
them from a child’s perspective.
From Teletubby toy Mega
What does the baby-faced sun tell toddlers?
The sun rises from behind the flowery green hills
each morning, and shines happily on the teletubby world all day. It sinks back
at the end of each day. Sounds a bit like the real sun, doesn’t it? But wait, this sun is also a living creature with a
congenial personality. Its pretty, blue-eyed baby face giggles when the
Teletubbies play happily together and do nice, expected things. It often frowns
when a teletubby is separated from the rest or does something
unexpected. That sounds innocent enough. What could be wrong
with a happy face framed in the sun’s bright rays? Could this feel-good image be
anything more than simple, whimsical fantasy? Nobody would take it seriously,
would they? Probably not. But that's part of the problem.
Children fill their minds with images that represent the new global paradigm,
and few take either message or the effects seriously. But leading educators who
call themselves "change agents" are dead serious about the visual tactics they
use to reach their goal. They seek to mold minds that embrace the new
global paradigm (worldview) and reject
the old Christian paradigm. "The purpose of education and the schools is to
change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students," admits Dr. Benjamin
Bloom, the "Father of Outcome-Based Education, in his book, All Our Children
Learning."7 Bloom and his followers have come a long way.
Suddenly earth-centered spirituality – with its sun-gods, nature spirits, and
occult rituals from around the world – has become the favored model for the new
communities. This new ideology is reinforced through today's movies, television,
books, and schools. As a
result, most children face an irresistible array of pagan images that support
the new paradigm. Many already consider paganism far more normal and acceptable
than Christianity. Our political, education, and media leaders want to
introduce these influences early -- before children become "indoctrinated" with
Biblical truths. (See "Clinton’s War on
Hate Bans Christian Values"). They know that if parents follow God's command
to "train up your child in the way he should go," their children might not start
school with the "open-mindedness" needed to create social solidarity. Biblical
values would stand in the way. Therefore "early childhood education" has moved
to the forefront of the "lifelong learning" agenda. America's PBS and its British partner, BBC, fit
right into the international program for pre-school education. Their words as
well as their programs show their desire to introduce small children to new
images and "thinking skills so that [they] will be ready for more formal
In the context of the new education outcomes, that means opening young
minds to global beliefs and values. The Teletubby world is their best attempt to
touch pre-schoolers with the seeds of the new ideology. The envisioned global spirituality blends the
world’s earth-centered religions into a more universal belief system. Both major
and minor civilizations through history – Egyptian, Hittite, Babylonian, Greek,
Roman, Mayan, Celtic, etc. -- worshipped sun gods that watched the earth and
mingled with humans. These man-made gods shared human characteristics and
responded to human activities with favor or anger, according to man’s compliance
with their self-centered standards. In other words, men and women had created
gods in their own image.9 Those old sun-gods have now been revised to fit
today's demand for kinder, more permissive gods -- gods that appeal to pre- and
grade-school children. Look at some of contemporary lessons: Winter Solstice: On December 19, 1991, a public elementary
school in Portland, Oregon, replaced the traditional Christmas party with a
Solstice festival. Their printed program, titled "Celebrate the Return of the
Light," pictured the Sun God and Moon Goddess. Ponder the events listed in the
* Each [student] will partake of the sun and moon
cake before entering the auditorium where they will seat themselves according to
their astrological signs. Chanting will begin on entering the auditorium. *
The Sun God and Moon Goddess will enter with attendants... * Dancers and
Drummers: [lists participants followed] * Bar Code Children and Animal
Spirits * Dancing in a circle all together... [with] whooping and hugs all
Summer Olympics in
Atlanta,1996: Those who watched the opening ceremony saw
five "Olympic spirits" wrapped in silvery cloth and masked as sun gods rising
out of the earth. Representing the five regions and colors of the world, they
writhed like serpents while chanting mystical, incomprehensible invocations to
"summon the tribes" of the world. Moments later, five hundred tribes-people
streamed into the arena. After a frenzied dance to the beat of a percussion
arrangement by Mickey Hart, a "Grateful Dead" drummer, the color-coded groups
formed the five interlocking rings of the Olympic symbol, welcoming the "the
global family" to celebrate the renewal of the Olympic dream. School Assignment: A fourth grader brought home a
worksheet with this story titled "When The Sun Went Away." It told about a
Japanese sun goddess and her brother, the god of night. The people loved the
goddess who made the crops grow and the trees bloom. But they feared the god of
night, who "brought evil spirits to harm the land." Naturally, he began to envy
his sister.
"One day when the sun goddess was sitting in her
temple, the god of night crept in with a big bag. When he opened the bag, a huge
snake crawled out and coiled itself around the sun goddess' chair. She was so
frightened that she ran into a cave and would not come out at all. Now the earth
was always dark. …. "So the people gathered at the cave. They beat
drums, rang bells, and sang. The goddess heard the noise and became curious.
Finally she crept to the mouth of the cave…. The earth became bright again, and
the people danced for joy. When the god of night saw how happy the people were,
he felt bad for having frightened his sister. And he promised never to do it
Celebrating the Sacred Feminine: The above story was also
told at a conference on feminist spirituality at the Grace [Episcopal] Cathedral
in San Francisco. But the ending had changed. Harmony between the sun goddess
and the evil male god would have been inappropriate. The new story fit the
feminist demand for self-esteem and self-deification. So this time the sun
goddess won over her own fear by looking into a mirror and delighting in her own
glorious image.
The 4th
chakra in a Theosophical adaption of Kundalina yoga. 11
from an Alchemist image of the all-seeing sun watching over the Philosopher's
Stone. 12
Part of an
18th century symbolic Masonic painting. 13
Book ad in
Mystic Trader, a catalog full of occult signs, symbols and suggestions.
Potter creator, J.K. Rowling's mirror brings her own image into the sun frame.15
Look again at the picture on the far right. This
mirror was pictured in a Time Magazine article about the Harry Potter
books. In the photograph, Ms. Rowling sat next to a large gray gargoyle with her
back to the mirror. It's possible that she didn't attach any spiritual
significance to this representation of the sun -- one that would carry the image
of whoever gazed at it. But whether she was consciously aware or not, her mirror
fits today's feminist quest to "re-imagine God" in one's own image. No one
illustrates this pursuit better than Patricia Lynn Reilly who told me she was
"born again" as a Christian. Her book title says it all:A God that
Looks Like Me -- Discovering a Woman's Self-Affirming Spirituality. Even
toddlers can absorb the subtle message behind a transcendent god-like sun that
sees, giggles and smiles -- just like them. In today’s climate, any cultural myth is open game
for expedient revisions. Since few children now learn the old foundational facts
of history, most will never know what is true or false. They won't even know
whether the myths they read represent the original culture or have been adapted
for today's agenda. A child's primary mental filter will be his or her feelings.
Those emotions are being molded and trained through stories and images they
learn to love -- or hate. The Teletubbies, Pokemon, Harry Potter books, and
countless other politically correct myths, games, and films support the global
program for universal behavior modification. (See Mind
What do those antennas on the four teletubby heads symbolize?
First, look at these official descriptions, for
each teletubby's character fits his or her antenna:
"Po is the smallest
Teletubby. She often jumps up and down to express her feelings of joy,
enthusiasm, and surprise. The natural place for Po is to be on her scooter
zipping around the hills. She makes the noise 'quickly, quickly, quickly' or
'slowly, slowly, slowly' when riding her scooter. Po spends a lot of time on her
own. Next to riding her scooter, Po likes to keep an eye on the panel switches
and controls on the central column inside the Teletubbies' house." "Laa-Laa is
the second smallest Teletubby. She is the happiest and most smiley of the
Teletubbies. She too loves to sing and dance. Her favorite word is 'nice'.
Laa-Laa loves the way her ball bounces and wobbles and grows bigger and smaller.
Laa-Laa always likes to know where all of the Teletubbies are. She has her own
special La-la-la-la-la song." "Dipsy is
the second biggest Teletubby. He is known for his distinctive steps and ways of
saying 'hello'. He loves his hat very much. Dipsy sings a song with a reggae
beat and when he is feeling 'especially cool' will go for a walk by himself,
wearing his hat and singing the song." "Tinky Winky is the
biggest Teletubby. He is the gentlest of the Teletubbies. His favorite thing is
his bag, which he likes to take out with him for walks. He usually sings his
song 'Tinky Winky'. He loves to dance and fall over on his back. Tinky Winky
loves all of the Teletubbies, and his best friend is Po, the smallest
In fact, Tinky Winky loves wearing a lacy white
ballet skirt when he dances. Dipsy, the slightly smaller male, does not. When
pressured to wear the same skirt, he tears it off and runs away. Dipsy's hat has no top, otherwise it wouldn't fit
over his antenna. But Dipsy really loves that hat. You can tell by the song he
made up: Hat, hat haaat,Hat, hat haaat, Hat, hat haaat hat.(repeat) The symbols in the show, like the letters in the
alphabet, have meanings. They communicate a message. Familiar symbols may
summarize and send messages more quickly and effectively than words. And since
visual images tend to bypass the critical scrutiny that words provoke, they
serve as tools for transformation in the hands of today’s change
agents. "There is growing
excitement among educators about old myths and symbols, oral history, earth
festivals, primitive rites of passage and customs, extraordinary abilities
documented in cultures less linear than our own," wrote Marilyn Ferguson in her
1980 blueprint for change, The Aquarian Conspiracy. She had already
explained how tomorrow’s children must learn a new perception of reality. In
fact, their minds must be so steeped in this new paradigm that their intuitive
response to the old ways would be instant rejection. "The dictionary defines intuition as ‘quick
perception of truth without conscious attention or reasoning," Ferguson
explains. Training the intuition to fit the new paradigm is simple. Make symbols
and their evolving and politically correct meanings more fun and familiar than
the home taught words, values, and meanings. To speed the process, children
would be surrounded by symbols that send the right message and affirm the new
way of thinking.
Po's antenna is a
CIRCLE: An ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness, infinity, and
the goddess, it also represents the feminine spirit or force, a spiritualized
Mother Earth, and a sacred space. To contemporary pagans and radical feminists,
it is "one of the primary feminine signs, as opposed to the line or phallic
shaft representing the masculine spirit."1
Dipsy's antenna is a
ROD: Earth-centered cultures around the world have worshipped a phallic rod
or pillar as symbol of male power to bring the seed of new life to the earth.
Hindu worshippers called it a "lingam," Egyptians called it an obelisk.
According to 2 Kings 17:9-10, God’s people "set up for themselves sacred pillars
and wooden images on every high hill…." In the old Celtic fertility rituals
called Beltane or May Day (Walpurgisnacht to the Teutons) -- which is now being
revived and adapted for modern times by contemporary pagans -- the May pole
symbolized male power and fertility.
.Laa Laa's antenna is aSPIRAL (see also a circle)
and ROD: Ancient symbol of the goddess, the womb, fertility, feminine
serpent force, continual change, and the evolution of the universe. Notice how
the spiral (female) and the rod (male) are combined in La-La’s antenna.
(Because the spiral has become such a popluar symbol, we plan provide a link
to a page full of interesting spirals.)
Tinky-Winky's antenna
is a TRIANGLE pointing down: The triangle in its multiple forms has been
pictured in symbols and rituals around the world, from European alchemy to the
sexual rites of Tantric Buddhism. Pointing up, it has represented the Trinity to
Christians. Pointing down it has represented the female womb. More recently,
many members of the homosexual community has claimed this symbol -- along with
the color purple -- as their own. However, lesbians generally identify with a
pink rather than purple triangle.
Of course, all these symbols -- the circle, rod,
spiral, and triangle pointing down -- are simple shapes that occur in nature as
well as in the minds and beliefs of people. Apart from a particular ideology,
they have little cultural significance. But when shown in the context of the
global education agenda, they are no longer neutral. Many of today's influential
leaders have embraced these symbols as wordless representations that point to
certain beliefs. They have given them meanings that match the new global
spirituality and promote an anti-Christian global ethic. In our pluralistic
society, this process of communicating visual messages through symbols, images,
and impressions has been replacing the factual and logical communication using
the alphabet. It makes school easier and more fun. Few realize the consequence
of eroding the old foundations for truth, history, science and progress. (See symbols)
How do the teletubbies fit into the global agenda for lifelong
UNESCO introduced the concept of "lifelong
learning" back in 1973. This lifelong process of socialization would start soon
after birth with community training sessions for parents. From cradle to grave,
human resources would be trained and conformed to the new global society, then
assessed for their worth to the global community and monitored for compliance
with the new pluralistic beliefs and values. (See The UN Plan
for Your Mental Health) As you have seen, early childhood education is
essential to this plan. Children must be raised in an environment that
encourages them to absorb multicultural attitudes, including a broader view of
sex and gender issues, before parents and pastors "close" their minds with
Biblical views of right and wrong. Otherwise home-taught Christian values could
encourage resistance to the consensus process and to the planned
solidarity. At the 1995 UN Conference on Women in Beijing, the
liberal delegations from Canada, the U.S., and European Union sought approval of
their concept of gender. Many saw five distinct kinds: male and female
heterosexuals, male and female homosexuals, and trans- or bisexuals. Gone was
God's view of gender: "He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and
female.'" (Matthew 19:4)
At the Beijing Conference, traditional values were
equated with hate and violence. "We strive to eliminate economic, political,
domestic, cultural, environmental, religious and sexual violence against
announced the Anglican Women's Network. This hostility toward traditional values seethed
through the many discussions of sex, gender, and reproductive rights. It shut
out the more pressing and global concerns: hunger, illness, drought and
violence. Yet, Western delegates seemed focused on their feminist issues.
Why? "We intend to fight like mad for all we want," said
Donna Shalala, the leader of the U.S. delegation and the Secretary of Health and
Human Services. "There is extensive opposition to sexual orientation . . . we
have had opposition on other issues. . . but we shall overcome them."17 Feminist leaders had planned their offensive long
before they came to Beijing. At the "PrepCom" (Preparatory Committee meeting)
they discussed the meaning of the word "gender." Mentioned 216 times in the
pre-conference Platform for Action adopted at their meeting, it was
defined as a "socially constructed" role, not a biological fact. "Gender," they
said, "indicates that sex roles and behaviors are artificially constructed and
freely chosen."18 Do you see how this reasoning fits feminist goals?
Lesbians win sympathy for their cause by blaming those "socially constructed"
gender roles on male oppression. This frees them to spread their message through
public education (formal and informal, such as public television) and increase
their number. The larger their number, the greater their political strength. No
wonder they have been fighting hard to gain access to the world's children
through sex education and "gender-sensitive" classroom lessons. "We will not be forced back to the 'biology is
destiny' concept," thundered Bella Abzug, the late "feminist warhorse" who, for
decades, led the global sisterhood of feminist activist. It's not surprising
that she also promoted goddess worship in place of the hated "patriarchal"
church culture.19 Mandatory lifelong learning is the planned solution
to this gender controversy. The Teletubbies provide a good start.
Why do they wear television screens on the tummies?
"If we can show children at an early age that
television isn't something that should just wash over them, but something you
should question, play with, challenge, have fun with - then we're preparing them
for the interactive use of media that will be their world when they grow
BBC has big plans for interactive
digitized television programs that will be integrated into home computers. A
large number of global interactive education programs are preparing programs
that will teach, assess, monitor, and remediate human resources around the
world. 20
Everyone will be part of the new global tracking system.21
The positive spin on this new technology is presented by BBC in its report on The Changing
World. For the real purpose of visually oriented interactive learning
programs, read The UN Plan
for Your Mental Health. When each child is linked to his or her individual
computer program, the dissemination of politically correct "information" and the
gathering of personal data for individual personality profiles can be
accelerated and controlled. Dustin Heuston of Utah's World Institute for
Computer-Assisted Teaching (WICAT) shares his delight in the power of this
interactive technology:
"We've been absolutely staggered by realizing that
the computer has the capability to act as if it were ten of the top
psychologists working with one student. You've seen the tip of the iceberg.
Won't it be wonderful when the child in the smallest county in the most distant
area or in the most confused urban setting can have the equivalent of the finest
school in the world on that terminal and no one can get between that child and
that computer?"22
"But what does all this have to do with a simple
teletubby show?" you might ask. A lot, actually! And the goal is to accomplish
the cultural shift with the consent of the people. That means cloaking the
tactics for change in normal, pleasant activities that few would dare criticize.
If this is hard to believe, read about "edutainment" and other aspects of
the worldwide plans for synthetic learning environments. As Professor
Raymond Houghton wrote in an NEA publication in the seventies:
"The critical point of behavior control, in effect,
is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis
is at hand. Man will not even know that it is about to happen." 23
Not only do parents need to see how a global
children's program fits into the big picture and long-term plan. They need to
realize how our children's minds are being manipulated through "fun" images and
strategic imaginary experiences, then resist the process with love, truth and
logic. God’s Word provides some helpful guidelines:
Know the Truth: Colossians 3:16 Don’t be
deceived: Colossians 2:8 Follow the Shepherd: Psalm 23 Don’t be conformed
to the world: Romans 12:2 Be prepared to face persecution: John
15:20-21 Don’t heed ungodly counsel: Psalm 1:1-2 Trust God to be your
guide: Psalm 25:4-5 "Now thanks be to God who always leads us in
triumph in Christ...." (2 Corinthians 2:14)
6.John Goodlad, Preface to Schooling for a Global
Age, edited by James Becker (New York: McGraw Hill, 1979). Goodlad was a
member of the Board of Directors of Global Perspectives in Education, Inc.,
based in NY. According to Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Schooling for a Global Age is
part of a series of books published under the auspices of the Institute for
Development of Educational Activities (IDEA) and supported by the National
Institute of Education, the U.S. Office of Education, the Rockefeller
Foundation. For more information about the education partnership between UNESCO
and the U.S., read Brave
New Schools.
7. Benjamin Bloom, All Our Children Learning (New
York: McGraw- Hill, 1981); 180.
17. Donna Shalala's answer to a question posed by a
reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle, September 11, 1995. She was referring
to item #48 in the Platform for Action. Cited by Family Concerns Representative
Nancy Shaefer in her conference report, page 12. For a more complete report on
the UN Conference in Beijing, read chapter 9 in A Twist of
18. Frederica Mathewes-Green, "The Gender Agenda," 1995
Religion News Service, August 22, 1995.
22. Dustin H. Heuston, "Discussion--Developing the
Potential of an Amazing Tool," Schooling and Technology, Vol. 3, Planning for
the Future: A Collaborative Model (Southeastern Regional Council for Educational
Improvement), p. 8.
23. Raymond Houghton, To Nurture Humaneness: Commitment
for the ‘70’s (The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development of
the NEA, 1970).
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